

Other local and national sites

United Grand Lodge


Home of Freemasonry in England

East Kent Freemasons

The Home of Freemasonry here in East Kent

Make a Donation

Cornwallis East Kent Freemasons Charity

The aim of the Cornwallis East Kent Freemasons’ Charity ‘Is to support East Kent communities by providing financial help and relief for charities, voluntary organisations and Individuals in need’

Just Ask One


If you would like to know more about joining Freemasonry in East Kent

Kent Museum of Freemasonry

A hidden treasure which boasts a rare collection of exhibits of national and international importance. Our collection of Masonic material is probably the finest in the UK outside London.  Follow this link for a map showing where we are.

The Order of Woman Freemasons

The Order of Women Freemasons is the oldest and largest Masonic organisation for women in this country and works on the lines of regular male Freemasonry.

The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons

The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (HFAF) which is now known as Freemasonry for Women is a fraternity for women and organised by women. It was founded in 1913 and membership is open to women of any race or religion, who are able to profess a belief in a Supreme Being.